National Designathon
Applications Now Open!
Event Description
National Designathon
By National Design League
Friday May 14, 2021
6:00 PM to May 16, 6:00 PM EST
Friday May 14, 2021
Hosted By
Annual Designathon where winning teams from all local designathons are invited to participate for the National Prize. NDL is opening the national Designathon to few select students. Participants will be accepted based on application and portfolio.
What is a Designathon?
Designathons is a weekend long design competition where participants are given a selection on real-world challenges from in Engineering and UI/UX Design. Participant will be given 36 hours to create a solution, build prototypes, and present to industry professionals.
Who can attend?
Locations have different requirements for who can attend. This location is open to the following:
Minors (Under 18)
Students - University/ College
Students - Secondary/High school