Marking the end of 2020-2021 Designathon Season!
An event where the winning teams from the local designathons will be compete for the national title. Additionally, the event will be open for a few select students based on application and portfolio.
What is a Designathon
Designathons is a weekend long design competition where participants are given a selection on real-world challenges from in Engineering and UI/UX Design. Participant will be given 36 hours to create a solution, build prototypes, and present to industry professionals.
Who is NDL
NDL is the official Designathon League of Canada. Catering to a fast growing community of designers and innovators. NDL Partners with univiersits and students to host designathon across Canada. 2020-2021 Designathon Season highlights
Who can participate
Anyone with experience in CAD, UI/UX Designing. Limited seats, applicants will be accepted based on application, portfolio,